It is late one evening and you receive a call from the Fire Service. They advise that one of your rental properties has been seriously damaged by a fire...
Tag - Tenancy Issues
The Health and Safety at Work Act came into effect on the 4th of April 2016 leaving the landlord/property management community with a lot of anxious questions...
Increased vacancy is one of the biggest reasons why some landlords hold back from raising rent regularly. Yet tightening yields in the Auckland market is...
Have you ever wondered why is it that tenants get away with not paying rent but landlords dare not miss any mortgage repayments? Why is it that some tenants...
You are undoubtedly aware of the media’s latest interest in hot-bedding being a way for tenants to meet accommodation costs. While there is no reliable...
It was one of those shows that is entertaining on the telly but an absolute nightmare in real life. It goes without saying that Breaking Bad has hit a raw...
Professional property management is a double-edged sword. On the one hand it frees up investors from being bogged down with the day-to-day running of the...
Currently doing its rounds on the Internet is this landlord’s email to his tenants. Rather than showing off his Mensa prowess, which I am sure was the...
The Board of Watercare Services invited public deputations at its board meeting this morning. Below is a statement read out by John Priest, Secretary of the...
by Craeg Williams Choosing the right tenant is not always the easiest process. Landlords are often in the position of choosing from applicants who are not...
Amanda I am contacting you regarding your story on Tenant’s water bills. Your analysis is correct, in that the Landlord is currently responsible for the...
2013!!! In the words of every magazine cover, blog and self-helping newsletter: New Year, New You? Well, let us be the first to say, hopefully not, because...
We have rugby on our minds (seriously, when haven’t we?!). In honour of the All Blacks’ Northern Hemisphere winning streak and in time for their final...
Captain Obvious says, ‘We are sick and tired of paying for our tenants’ water’ It pretty much goes without saying that Auckland landlords are...
Prime Minister John Key is in the papers today foreshadowing possible government “regulations and/or incentives” for private landlords to insulate...
Shirley asks the APIA Expert Panel How do I find the best tenant for my property? The APIA Elves Answer Fret not Shirley, you are not alone. In fact, many of...