Many of our members are aware that we have been interacting with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (“OPC”) to assist with its current examination into...
Tag - Landlord
Having read a few books that suggested joining my local property investors association, I did a bit of investigation to find out exactly what these groups...
As a newbie investor, one of the best things that APIA has done and continues to do for me is keep me informed of changes in the property investment space so...
Knowledge or acquiescence of a tenant exceeding maximum occupancy could invalidate a subsequent claim for exemplary damage. RE: Driskel v Zoetebier [2021] NZTT...
Mainstream commentary on the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2020 (RTAA 2020) is grossly preoccupied with the removal of the 90-day no-fault termination...
We generally understand and talk about bonds as security deposits; on the one hand, they give a landlord the peace of mind to rent to a stranger and on the...
Re: Whether a landlord is liable for breaching the quiet enjoyment of one tenant for failing to enforce the terms of the tenancy agreement against a co-tenant...
Landlords seeking compensation for damages caused by tenants should take care to prove the cause, not just the consequences, of the damage as VNG RENTALS...
From time to time, investors almost flippantly assume that any expenses incurred improving the property can be directly recouped from the tenant by way of rent...
Re: Atkinson v Monarch Realty Ltd [2020] NZTT Hamilton 4279083 Facts 5th July 2020 – Leak discovered at the property due to lack of maintenance 11th...
This week’s question comes from Maggie: I issued a 90-day notice for termination on 5th November. The tenants have asked if they can stay longer as...
Here is a reminder not to allow the property professional you work stray out of his lane: An APIA member recently bought a property with a tenant in situ. She...
The recent publication of Brooking v Imrie [2020] NZTT Timaru 4216438 gives some insight, albeit sketchy, into what the Tribunal looks for when ordering a...
Question from Ann: Can I ask a tenant applicant whether he/she has ever stayed at the Women’s Refuge? No. We see this as contravening privacy...
Most of us have been tenants at some stage in our lives, but there was always that first time. As property managers, working with first-timers requires...
An update on 218-1 The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill: the deadline for the Social Services and Community Select Committee to report back to Parliament...