When it comes to property, one size certainly doesn’t fit all. And it is precisely for this reason that property has such populist appeal. Come at it...
Tag - How To
Renovation shows. Who doesn’t love them? Arm a bunch of DIY enthusiasts with the latest power tools and design aesthetics, throw in some well-timed on...
DIY, it is in our DNA. Trust Mitre10 to encapsulate the Kiwi spirit in six short words. True, we love a bit of DIY. Home improvement is invariably a national...
Ever wonder how successful people get to where they are today but still retain full control of their business interests? How is it that they manage to do...
Dealing with difficult tenants, or at least, knowing how to handle difficult tenants, is part and parcel of being a landlord. Even if you had meticulously...
Can you believe that we are already half way through 2016? Before you know it Christmas will roll around, and you will find yourself diving right into 2017. So...
It is human nature to embrace stability. We are programmed to find comfort in familiarity. When we make plans, we assume that most things will remain...
1. Are you ready? Whoever told you that property investment earns you a passive income is lying. The buy-and-forget strategy makes a deposit not an...
The week starts of normally enough, you wake up with a massive case of Mondaytitis that no amounts of coffee will cure. You get into the Grind Factory (aka the...
Though networking is a much valued tool in the business community, it is also a form of quasi-social-quasi-business interaction that fills introverts with a...
One of the most important thing you can do for your portfolio is to appoint the best property manager to look after it. The right property manager not only...
Aside from those who operate as part of a licensed real estate agency, property managers in New Zealand are largely unregulated. While this promotes a culture...
Increased vacancy is one of the biggest reasons why some landlords hold back from raising rent regularly. Yet tightening yields in the Auckland market is...
So you are well versed in serving 14 day notice to remedy a breach and 90 day notice to terminate but when do you start counting down the 14 or 90 days? S136...
Don’t leave it bare! Exterior timber coating is something long term property investors simply cannot afford to ignore. Not only does a topcoat...
It is astonishing to me that so many investors talk about how man properties they own rather than how well their portfolios are performing. This kind of...