Mainstream commentary on the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2020 (RTAA 2020) is grossly preoccupied with the removal of the 90-day no-fault termination...
Tag - Rta
We generally understand and talk about bonds as security deposits; on the one hand, they give a landlord the peace of mind to rent to a stranger and on the...
In an $11,476.87 order made against the tenant, Kieran Jie-Wei Cheng, that in part, penalised him for damaging the premises, the Tribunal clearly articulates...
Re: Atkinson v Monarch Realty Ltd [2020] NZTT Hamilton 4279083 Facts 5th July 2020 – Leak discovered at the property due to lack of maintenance 11th...
A common question that has been circulating in the lead-up to the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2020 coming into effect: Whether a tenancy at a trust...
After failing to pass The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill through the standard legislative process, Hon Chris Hipkins, Leader of the House, made the...
This week’s question comes from Kam re termination under 218-1 (paraphrased): If the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill becomes law, would landlords...
An update on 218-1 The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill: the deadline for the Social Services and Community Select Committee to report back to Parliament...
218-1 The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill proposes to introduce sweeping changes that will, in our view, significantly impact the business of landlording...
Some concerns have been raised about the application of the associated person rule (APR) vis-à-vis 218-1’s infringement offence regime. More specifically, how...
The verdicts are in. 218-1 The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill a bad piece of legislation and it is in dire need of being saved if it ever stands a chance...
Every since 218-1 The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill was released, there have been several statements made in an effort to summarise the effects of the...
Background By now we expect 218-1 The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill to be fairly bedded in. You’ve got to be living under a rock to not know about it...
This week’s question comes from Jessica re the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (paraphrased): I read somewhere that the Bill criminalises certain...
In light of the growing voice against The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 218-1 (2020), which the Associate Housing Minister Kris Faafoi is the face of...
This week’s question comes from Barry re the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (paraphrased): What is the National Party’s position on...