This question is from Brian (paraphrased to suit this format): Can I ask prospective tenants whether they are vaccinated or intend to be vaccinated by the...
Tag - Question And Answer
This week’s question comes from Debbie: I am curious how, as PCBUs, landlords should handle the issues of vaccination and safety at a workplace when we...
Level 4 has caught many of us by surprise. Here are answers to some common day-to-day questions arising out of the latest snap lockdown. Note that these...
This week’s question comes from Kowie S: We had a fixed-term tenancy from the end 2019- end 2020. Our landlords reached out close to the expiry date...
This week’s question comes from Rob (paraphrased): I want to sell a property that is currently subject to a fixed-term tenancy (term expiring 22nd...
This week’s question comes from Joss: What rent premiums are landlords typically applying to addressed increased risks associated with the...
This week’s question comes from Cliff: My property is not yet fully HHS compliant, how should I fill in the compliance date on the HHS Compliance...
This week’s question comes from Irene B and the answer is kindly provided by Amanda Watt of Shortland Chartered Accountants. The answer is intended to...
This week’s question comes from Maggie: I issued a 90-day notice for termination on 5th November. The tenants have asked if they can stay longer as...
This week’s question comes from Anonymous: My tenant (from 2016 to 2020) has made a Tribunal application against me. She is claiming, among other...
This week’s question comes from Lara: My rental has a bathroom right next to the kitchen. Can the ducting of the bathroom extractor and kitchen...
Question from Janak: Do I have to provide heat pumps right now before a property manager can rent out my unit? My property manager says heat pumps are...
This week’s question comes from long-time APIA member Mary M and the answer is kindly provided by Amanda Watt of Shortland Chartered Accountants. The...
This week’s question comes from long-time APIA member Hari K and the answer is kindly provided by Kristine King of DK Law. The answer is intended to be...
Question from Mark: Can landlords complete our own HHS inspection? My property manager says only third party inspectors can. Legally there is no...
Question from Ann: Can I ask a tenant applicant whether he/she has ever stayed at the Women’s Refuge? No. We see this as contravening privacy...