Recent changes to the tenancy law have certainly put a whole new spin on the way landlords manage the risks associated with renting out residential properties...
Tag - Landlord
This week’s question comes from Thomas (paraphrased): What are the legal effects (if any) of the OPC’s guidelines for landlords, and what...
Landlords can now enter onto the property* to test for meth contamination. The latest amendment to the Residential Tenancies Act gives landlords the right to...
Landlords are, understandably, feeling vindicated and excited about the RTAA 2019 which now makes tenants liable (up to a certain extent) for carelessly...
Welcome back to Part 2 to our Healthy Homes Standards Compliance Series. After covering heating last week, let’s turn our attention to insulation...
This week’s question comes from Helen (paraphrased): It appears that Fujitsu NZ does not recommend installing its heat pumps at properties that are on...
Welcome to our Healthy Homes Standards Compliance Series. In light of this week’s rollout of the Residential Tenancies (Healthy Homes Standards)...
Concerning Tobin, Jackie vs CHEN, JIANQING [2019] NZTT Auckland 4172141 The issue Whether tenants are afforded the Osaki protection for damages caused by...
This week’s question comes from Barry (paraphrased): An impending termination has gone sour; the tenant is now threatening to issue me with a trespass...
We recently covered the oversight power of the Tenancy Compliance and Investigation Team (“TCIT”). In the course of posting that information, we...
This week’s question comes from Glen (paraphrased): Our property management company has advised that we have to keep our rental’s Watercare...
Early this month, Tenancy Services released new versions of its bond forms. We have a quick chat with Allan Galloway, MBIE National Manager of Dispute...
So, no more letting fees as of today. Our expectation is that most landlords will bear the cost of letting. That said, there are still other costs relating...
During our everyday lives, we all need to interact with many businesses, some large and some small. As such, we will have invariably come across statements...
Currently, hot news in the property world right now are the proposals to ‘reform’ the Residential Tenancies Act. A number of changes to this Act are under...
If you plan on renting out a room or your house to short-term tenants, there are some things you need to consider. One of the most important is how it will...