When it comes to looking after yourself, you should always choose a great doctor who is up to date with the latest medical treatments, a fantastic...
Author - admin
This week’s question comes from Barry re the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (paraphrased): What is the National Party’s position on...
In this day and age, a $20,000 renovation budget won’t get you terribly far. So where should you put your hard-earned dollar? The Goal I’m a...
The Healthy Home Standards became law last year, and the first deadline is coming up on 1 July – where you must include a statement of your current...
This week’s question comes from Clifford (paraphrased): Is there such a thing as meth test kits? Can they be used by landlords to carry out...
5 months ago, I was working out at the gym, earphones in, listening to my favourite podcast. It’s a daily show featuring 2 digital geeks talk...
When it comes to investing in properties with a partner*, be it a spouse, a friend or colleague, funding rules can differ from lender to lender and...
The RBNZ publishes its Financial Stability Report every May and November outlining the key areas of interest relating to the NZ economy, with a...
Yesterday afternoon the government outlined the next phase of its housing agenda which involves overhauling the Residential Tenancies Act once again...
On Sunday 17th November the Coalition Government announced a number of proposed amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act in accordance with the...
This week’s question comes from Pat (paraphrased): Considering the inconclusiveness of what is a ‘safe’ level of meth presence...
Following a review of the law of residential tenancies in New Zealand, the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (No 2) gained Royal Assent on...
The 2019 Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (RTAA) moved things forward… a bit. Landlords can now access the property to test for meth contamination...
Sandra has a problem. Sandra and her husband Terry live in a small house down a private right-of-way. They have been there for a few years, and like...
This week’s question comes from Peter (paraphrased): In the case of an ongoing periodic tenancy that started before 27th August 2019, does...
Sometimes, tenants who jointly sign a tenancy agreement may decide to part ways. When that happens, you would expect at least one of the two to move...