RE early termination for severe hardship on account of the tenant’s persistent anti-social behaviour Landlords should not presume to be able to...
Author - admin
Here is a reminder not to allow the property professional you work stray out of his lane: An APIA member recently bought a property with a tenant in...
The recent publication of Brooking v Imrie [2020] NZTT Timaru 4216438 gives some insight, albeit sketchy, into what the Tribunal looks for when...
This week’s question comes from Anonymous: My tenant (from 2016 to 2020) has made a Tribunal application against me. She is claiming, among...
This week’s question comes from Lara: My rental has a bathroom right next to the kitchen. Can the ducting of the bathroom extractor and...
Question from Janak: Do I have to provide heat pumps right now before a property manager can rent out my unit? My property manager says heat pumps...
This week’s question comes from long-time APIA member Mary M and the answer is kindly provided by Amanda Watt of Shortland Chartered...
This week’s question comes from long-time APIA member Hari K and the answer is kindly provided by Kristine King of DK Law. The answer is...
If you’ve bought yourself a Kiwibuild property you may find yourself in a position where you’re unable to get additional lending on the property, or...
Now that the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2020 has been passed and is set to be fully implemented by 11 February 2021, we speak to seasoned...
In the 10 years we have been helping Kiwis get ahead financially by investing in property, one thing that has become abundantly clear is that there...
COVID-19 hasn’t significantly undermined the property market so far In this fast-moving COVID environment it’s easy to lose track of everything...
We meet clients regularly who are looking at getting into property investment and are wondering how much money they need to get going. There are many...
Question from Mark: Can landlords complete our own HHS inspection? My property manager says only third party inspectors can. Legally there is no...
A common question that has been circulating in the lead-up to the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2020 coming into effect: Whether a tenancy at a...
The potential impropriety of comments on various property investor online forums have been picked up by the Commerce Commission recently. So far the...