The Deputy Principal Tenancy Adjudicator, Rex Woodhouse, once described the Residential Tenancies Act as the most complicated piece of consumer legislation in...
Tag - Tenancy Tribunal
We want to say a big thank you to everyone who joined us at last night’s webinar, Get it Right: How to Navigate the minefield of Residential Tenancy...
The punishing drumbeat calling for landlords to upskill will continue irrespective of who ascends the election throne.
Termination is not a get-out-of-jail card for HHS If you plan to rent out your property for as long as possible without meeting the Healthy Homes Standards...
New HHS compliance timeframe announced This morning the government announced an extension to the Healthy Homes Standards (HHS) compliance deadline for all...
A question from Shealy (paraphrased here to suit the format) : I self-manage my tenancy. My property sprung a leak following a storm in late March this year...
On the awarding of legal costs by the Tenancy Tribunal RE: Thomas and other v Novus Vita Limited [2021] NZTT Wellington 4266110, 4266355 The basis of the...
Rent is a key pillar to support a claim of a residential tenancy. It is never super nice to see family disputes play out in the public domain. The venerable...
Knowledge or acquiescence of a tenant exceeding maximum occupancy could invalidate a subsequent claim for exemplary damage. RE: Driskel v Zoetebier [2021] NZTT...
We generally understand and talk about bonds as security deposits; on the one hand, they give a landlord the peace of mind to rent to a stranger and on the...
In an $11,476.87 order made against the tenant, Kieran Jie-Wei Cheng, that in part, penalised him for damaging the premises, the Tribunal clearly articulates...
Re: Whether a landlord is liable for breaching the quiet enjoyment of one tenant for failing to enforce the terms of the tenancy agreement against a co-tenant...
 An example of how the Tenancy Tribunal weighs up a landlord’s and a tenant’s respective hardship in determining the merits of an application for early...
Landlords seeking compensation for damages caused by tenants should take care to prove the cause, not just the consequences, of the damage as VNG RENTALS...
From time to time, investors almost flippantly assume that any expenses incurred improving the property can be directly recouped from the tenant by way of rent...
 Re: Atkinson v Monarch Realty Ltd [2020] NZTT Hamilton 4279083  Facts 5th July 2020 – Leak discovered at the property due to lack of maintenance 11th...