An APIA members’ recent endeavour to comply with the HHS heating standards brought a couple of issues to the forefront that are worth unpacking here. Her...
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It should come as no surprise to anyone that over the last two weeks, most of the inquiries we have received from landlords concern rent. More specifically...
Recent changes to the tenancy law have certainly put a whole new spin on the way landlords manage the risks associated with renting out residential properties...
This week’s question comes from Thomas (paraphrased): What are the legal effects (if any) of the OPC’s guidelines for landlords, and what...
This week’s question comes from Sue: I have just been advised that with the changes to the Residential Tenancy Act my property manager needs to file...
This week’s question comes from Alex (paraphrased): Is it safe to use Google Drive to store all of my banking and tenancy/investment documents? How...
This week’s question comes from Don (paraphrased): My tenant is withholding payment of his water usage saying that I am required by the RTA to send him a...
A recent article quoting Andrew King on behalf of the New Zealand Property Investors’ Federation (“the NZPIF”) prompted an email from G that is...
Landlords should not be at ease in light of recent reports characterising the Auckland rental market as being under significant demand pressure. Your...
Increased vacancy is one of the biggest reasons why some landlords hold back from raising rent regularly. Yet tightening yields in the Auckland market is...
It is one thing to deal with nightmare tenants but what about nightmare tenants who are not yours? So often at APIA we get asked by frustrated landlords and...
News of the Auckland Council’s proposed air quality bylaw has understandably unsettled landlords who own properties that are heated by indoor wood/coal...
In this week’s Ask An Expert feature, Craeg Williams gives you a step-by-step response guide to any meth contamination suspicion. Two tenants who...
Property investors always talk about buying low, bang on some renovation et voilà! Capital Gain! But as it has always been said, easier said than done, what...