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Goldmine or Money Pit? The Insurance Truths Every Investor Must Know

Date/Time: Date(s) - 7 November 2024, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


90-minute web session streaming from 6 pm

Replay available

Featuring James Blair and Michael Vincent, Lighthouse Financials

It took grit, smarts and sacrifice to get to where you are with property. But without proper protection, your portfolio could fall over like a house of cards. While you can’t predict life’s curveballs, you can control how you ring-fence your portfolio from disruptions and setbacks.

Join us for an eye-opening webinar that will equip you with the knowledge to protect what you’ve worked so hard to build.

We will cover:

  1. Fortify Your Financial Foundation: Learn how strategic insurance coverage can prevent years of investment work from unravelling due to unforeseen events.
  2. Beyond Bricks and Mortar: Discover the truth of “self-insurance” and why you should never put your properties on the line.
  3. “Grudge Spend” Explored: Figure out the right balance for income protection and medical insurance to ensure every cent of your insurance spend gives you the financial lifeline you need if and when things go wrong.
  4. The Balancing Act: Master the art of securing meaningful coverage without overspending. Learn to protect your investments efficiently, allowing you to focus on growth with peace of mind.
  5. Real-World Wisdom: Gain insights from actual case studies where proper insurance saved investors from financial ruin – and cautionary tales of those who gambled and lost.

Our expert presenters, Michael Vincent and James Blair from Lighthouse Financial, will guide you through the insurance landscape and help you separate fact from fiction.

You’ll walk away with:

  • A clear understanding of the unique risks property investors face (vs that of salary and other business income earners)
  • Strategies to tailor your insurance coverage to your specific portfolio
  • Tools to critically evaluate insurance options, avoiding unnecessary costs
  • The confidence to make informed decisions about protecting your investments

Financial short-sightedness is a risky bet. Your portfolio is your winning hand, not a chip to be wagered. When life shuffles the deck, you’ve got to decide if you are prepared to bet against the house.

Join us for this free, information-packed session and ensure your investments are built on a foundation of rock, not sand.




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