The app that manages the hassles of owning a rental and gives you control when it matters.

Keyhook is New Zealand’s largest and fastest-growing kiwi owned self-management application available both on smartphones and online. Founded by Kiwi landlords, Keyhook provides automation to self-management saving landlords significant time and money. Key features of Keyhook include:
- Free Rental Listings on TradeMe
- Lease and Bond Paperwork (completed and submitted)
- Automatic Rent Collection and Arrears Chasing
- Automatic Quotes and Maintainance coordination and completion
- Digital Inspections both Remote and In-Person. You choose!
- Live in-app chat with your tenants
- Supported by a New Zealand based 24 x 7 expert Property Support team.
Use Promo Code “NZPIF” when signing up and get 3 months completely free!