Home » 10 Reasons Why You are Not Getting Ahead with Property

10 Reasons Why You are Not Getting Ahead with Property

I’ve said this once, I’ve said this a million times: You don’t get rich with property at the drop of a hat. Behind every success stories lie several failed investors who quietly quit the market with not much to show for in their bank accounts. Before risking your financial future, beware these devastating pitfalls that can derail your efforts and the many APIA resources that will get you back onto your A-game.

1. Are You Investing? Or Just Gambling?

True investing takes discipline, strategic analysis, and methodical execution. Amateur property buyers often purchase blindly in unfamiliar locations simply because a lender has given them a pre-approval. When lending rules tighten or tax regulations shift, these gamblers find themselves trapped with problematic assets they can’t improve or sell. Want to learn about how to buy and buy well? Come to our upcoming Power Skills Workshop to get some hands on training to negotiate yourself a sharp deal!

2. You’re So Down in the Weeds, You’ve Missed the Forest for the Trees

Smart investors prioritise significant gains over small savings. The property market thrives on established connections. Your time yields better returns when building powerful networks that lead to better deals than travelling across town to save five bucks on a tap. One valuable relationship often delivers returns that overshadow years of penny-pinching. Let the pennies look after themselves by shopping with our impressive lineup of discount partners and free up your time to join us at one of our regular investor networking functions.

3. Turns Out Your Market Intelligence Isn’t Very Intelligent

Today’s property landscape bears no resemblance to last year’s market. Consider Auckland’s current Watercare capacity crisis and its massive impact on development potential. Market dynamics evolve rapidly. Success demands current intelligence and decisive action when opportunities emerge. Sign up for our Property Guru add-on powered by CoreLogic NZ for the latest and most accurate market data.

4. Is Your DIY Obsession Actually Sabotaging Your Success?

While handling everything yourself might seem prudent initially, it cripples growth. Once your portfolio stabilises, leverage your unique strengths and outsource everything else. Property tax rules have become brutally complex. Unless you’re a qualified accountant, DIY tax management invites costly errors and compliance headaches. The same goes for property management, drafting agreements, navigating council consent process so on and so forth. Leverage the power of the APIA network, we have a bunch of members who offer professional services within the property ecosystem. Check them out here.

5. The I-Turned-Out-Alright Mindset Will Cost You

Many landlords justify substandard housing by referencing their own past living situations. This approach can lead to actual violations to the Residential Tenancies Act and triggers substantial fines, particularly regarding healthy homes standards. Some investors then falsely claim victimhood, arguing the system is stacked against them. Quality housing isn’t optional—it’s legally required and ethically necessary. If economic advancement is the fundamental tenet of property investment then isn’t it ironic for any investor to reject to notion that we must provide for the next generation better conditions than we ourselves experienced?

6. Speech is Not Always Wisdom, Beware of the Internet

Internet-based property advice often leads to disaster. The lack of accountability and editorial standards on many of these chat forums leave behind a trail of absolute destruction. I get that free advice that comes instantaneously without you have to guzzy yourself up to go to an office somewhere seems to be a no-brainer. Resist the path of least resistance for it is littered with potholes and no warning signs. Invest time and energy into good quality networking. Come to our next in-person event to connect with your fellow local investors to truly understand this market’s unique challenges and hidden opportunities.

7. đź«Ł Cash is a Super Tough Bikkie

Capital gains build wealth, but robust cash flow sustains your portfolio and, your livelihood. Without careful cash flow management, even a modest interest rate increase could force desperate property sales at the worst possible time. Regularly optimise both rental income and expenses to weather market fluctuations. Don’t know how? Our Cashflow Mastery webinar is coming right up!

8. The Top Two Inches Matter… A Lot

Successful property investing in New Zealand’s challenging economic landscape demands extraordinary resilience. Our sector faces relentless regulatory scrutiny and political pressure. Perspective matters—previous regulatory changes like removing building depreciation didn’t destroy property investment. Current challenges like interest deductibility limitations won’t either. Successful investors maintain unwavering focus through market cycles and policy shifts.

9. Don’t Whinge. Lobby!

Effective lobbying transforms policy landscapes—you just need to look at Auckland’s extensive cycle network for proof. Property investors who dismiss industry advocacy miss critical opportunities to shape favourable regulations. Support organisations like the Auckland Property Investors Association and New Zealand Property Investors Federation to ensure your interests receive proper representation in policy debates.

10. Is Your Information Diet Making You Investment-Blind?

To be great at investing, you have to have your eyes on the balls. That means staying on top of and understanding the interplay between market trends, regulatory developments, council plans and the broader economic context. Learn to cultivate premium information sources and implement regular review systems. This proactive approach transforms information into profitable action while others react too late.

Your property investment success hinges on avoiding these critical mistakes. Build your knowledge base, expand your professional network, and establish robust systems before committing significant capital to the New Zealand property market. Here’s to better days ahead 🥂

Sarina Gibbon

Sarina Gibbon is the general manager of the APIA.

Disclaimer: This article provides general guidance only and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Specific situations may vary, and you should seek professional legal advice for your particular circumstances.

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